To help distributed network enthusiasts and practitioners get started in the space, and in turn, capture the next wave of opportunities, we are hosting India Dapp Fest 2019, a 5-day high-quality initiative with the first 3 days being a combination of hackathon and workshops. At the hackathon, we are looking at some world class teams participate in taking the workshops, setting the problem statements for crowdsourced innovation and then, mentoring the teams to build impactful solutions. They will also be conducting workshops alongside to help with upskilling of our participants on different blockchain platforms and understanding the best choice for their envisioned use case. By having a multi-track hackathon with a diverse range of topics from enterprise-grade blockchains to public networks and decentralised market places, we want to ensure innovative solutions in this hackathon for all fields.
Matic Network brings massive scale to Ethereum using an adapted version of Plasma with PoS based side chains. Matic aims to simplify the interaction between users and the decentralized world and want to make interacting with the decentralized ecosystem so easy that anyone can do so without worrying about the complexity of the system.
One of the most inspiring projects in the Blockchian space. It was developed by a team of researchers from MIT, headed by Zero Knowledge Proof creator, Dr Silvio Micali. It is a new age digital currency and payments platform that delivers scalability, security and decentralization.
The Chain security platform is a state-of-the-art formal verifier for Ethereum smart contracts, built based on the latest research, for security auditors and developers as Software as a Service. This is the team behind detecting the famous Ethereum Hack.